Pharmacology Essentials for Allied Heath [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789384007751

Edition: 1st Edition

Author : Jennifer Danielson

Year: 2017

Pages: 924

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 1,095.00

Pharmacology Essentials for Allied Health is an up-to-date textbook written by three doctors of pharmacy to introduce allied health students to the fundamentals of and correlations among three specialty areas: anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, and pharmacy practice. Using accessible and meaningful approach, this textbook, provides students entering the dynamic and growing allied health field a firm foundation in learning these concepts and their applications to real-world settings.

The textbook is designed to meet the pharmacology course requirement of allied health students who are enrolled in two years associate’s degree programs or six month certification programs at community colleges, technical schools, or private career schools. To receive the greatest benefit from this textbook and its associated courseware, students should have completed and passed courses in basic algebra, medical terminology and anatomy and physiology.

The book has 29 chapters and are grouped into 10 units that provide a logical, stepped approach to learning pharmacology. Each chapter contains several engaging in-text and in-margin features created to aid student learning. These features, as outlined below, challenge students to expand their knowledge, think critically, work collaboratively, test their mastery of chapter content, learn professional expectations, and explore allied health careers.

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