Textbook Of Systematic Botany(Paperback)

ISBN: 9789385998089

Edition: 1st

Author : Nautiyal

Year: 2018

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 295.00

Systematic botany is the science of classifying and naming plants. Plant taxonomy lays emphasis on classification as an expression of phylogenetic relationships, and nomenclature provides each species with a name. Some people's interest in systematic botany is satisfied by a knowledge of the local flora and an ability to identify it, an interest that has been widened by automobile travel. This is but a limited aspect of a large subject. Important work in this field is the building of great herbaria with specimens from all over the world classified chiefly by comparative morphology.

It is designed to cover one semester, preferably the second, so that the fundamentals may be established during the colder months, and supplemented by field work with the opening of spring. Systematic botany should be preceded by a course in general botany, without which the student will fail to grasp the fundamental principles of phylogenetic taxonomy and will find that the examples used are mostly unfamiliar and meaningless. It is not intended that this text shall in any way supplant the manuals used for identifying plants. These are already numerous and cover the flora of practically every part of the country, though lacking somewhat in harmony of detail, and this book is to supplement rather than to compete with them.

Evolution in Relation to Taxonomy • Methods Used in the Identification of Flowering Plants • The Preparation of Herbaria • The Terminology of Systematic Botany • General Features of Spermatophyta • Families of Gymnosperms • Families of Dicotyledons • Families of Monocotyledons • Nomenclature

• Principles of Taxonomy • Systems of Taxonomy • The Literature  of  Systematic  Botany.

Prof. B.P. Nautiyal obtained M.Sc., Ph.D. (Botany) from H.N.B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal. He worked on various medicinal and aromatic plants and his work got wide appreciation. He has worked as an Associate Professor in Mizoram Central University in the Department of Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plant. He has published more than 120 research papers in international and national journal of repute. Beside he is co-author and co-editor of a book on agro techniques of high altitude medicinal and aromatic plants and also a book on horticulture which comprises chapters on various aspects of various horticulture crops. To his credit, 12 students are awarded Ph.D. Degree under his supervision. Presently he is working as Dean, College of Horticulture, VCSG, Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar. Prof. Nautiyal is a member of academic bodies of several universities and institutions.

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