Genomes [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789386479167

Edition: 1st Edition

Author : S.K. Aggarawal

Year: 2018

Pages: 475

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 495.00

About the book

Hundreds of genomes have been completely sequenced in the past decade, significantly advancing our understanding of genome structure and function. Genomes comprises a collection of review articles reprinted from the 10th Anniversary Issue of the journal Genome Research that captures the status of genomic research in a selection of model species—from microbes to human.

Written by renowned author in the field of genomics, each chapter focuses on what has been learned from the genomes of a given kingdom, group, or species and offers a unique perspective on the history, the current status, and the future of genomic research efforts. A variety of topics are addressed, including gene regulatory networks in the fruitfly and the sea squirt, fungal genome evolution, mouse and rat mutagenesis, and the future of crop plant genomics. How livestock genomics informs human medicine, the importance of the dog genome in studying human disease, and the search for "humanness" through human and chimp genome comparisons are also presented in thoughtful discussions. In addition, updates on emerging technologies in DNA sequencing and in gene prediction, as well as direction to relevant public resources, are given.

This book serves as a valuable reference and teaching tool for established scientists in the genomics field and as a comprehensive overview for those with more general interests in biology.

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