Quality Control For The Food Industry Fundamentals & Applications (vol.2) (Paperback)

ISBN: 9789385998546

Edition: Third Revised Edition

Author : Amihud Kramer, Bernard A. Twigg

Year: 2017

Pages: 560

Publisher Name: MEDTECH

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 995.00

This second volume consists largely of "getting the facts about the quality level of specific commodities," and contains many of the specific analytical testing procedures used for each of the major commodity groupings, with the exception of the last three chapters, and the Appendix, which deal generally with sanitation, waste disposal, nutrient analysis, and a collection of useful tables. Each chapter is written by a specialist(s) in the particular subject area, each of whom made a special effort to emphasize rapid "on-the-line" procedures that are particularly useful for prompt decision at the point of action. Thus, wherever possible rapid, instrumental, "in-house" techniques are proposed.

The book has been compiled in response to the need for a handbook on analytical and other quality control procedures and information for particular commodities that may be used as a ready reference by the practicing quality control analyst or inspector, and as a text for a laboratory course in quality control.

Thus the reader may find more than one method for the determination of a particular attribute of quality for a particular commodity. The first may be the official method, followed by one or more "quick and dirty" methods which in some instances are not at all "dirty," but in fact may be more accurate estimates of the quality level of the particular attribute than the official method, and are usually less time consuming and simpler to perform.

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