Bacterial Metabolism [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789385998164

Edition: 1st Edition

Author : Monika Rustogi

Year: 2016

Pages: 281

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 495.00

This concise, yet comprehensive textbook surveys the domain of bacterial metabolism and describes the various facets of this subject ins terms useful to students and research workers, Emphacsis is on those metabolic reactions which occur only in bacterial or those of particular importance for bacteria. Thus, the book describes in detail the energy metabolism of various groups of bacteria including arrobic and anaerobic heterotrophs, as well as chemolitotrophs, and phototrophs. In addition, the book ecamines various pathways used by bacteria for the degradation of certain organic compounds, the fixation of molecular nitrogen the biosynthesis of cellular constituents, and the regulation of bacterial metabolism.

This book describes microbial systematic and microbial chemistry and focuses on catabolic events. It deals with the progess made in bacterial metabolism that includes data on regulatory mechanisms: comparison of bacterial growth kinetics with enzyme kinetics: aerobic amino acid catabolism: and the glucose transport mechanism. This text also emphasizes the development of photosynthetic phosphorylation in the different bacterial families.

This book explains anaerobic respiration and carbohydrate metabolism glucose, fructose, lactose, mannose, allose, and sorbitol. This text then describes aerobic respiration including the “Nitorse” and “Nitro” groups of genera, and the Knallgas bacteria. Which use the reaction between molecular hydrogen and molecular oxygen as their source of energy.

This book also explains the microbial transformation of iron as caused by either specific organisms (e.g. Ferrobacillus ferrooxiidans) or nonspecific organisms. This selection also explains the process the process of fermentation by Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria, and proteolytic clostridia. This text can be valuable for microchemists, microbiologists, students, and academicians whose disciplines are in biological chemistry and cellular biology.

Chapter        1.    Nutrition of Bacteria

Chapter        2.    How Escherichia coli Synthesizes ATP during Aerobic Growth on Glucose

Chapter        3.    Biosynthesis of Escherichia coli Cell From Glucose

Chapter        4.    Aerobic Growth of Escherichia coli on Substrates Other Than Glucose

Chapter        5.    Metabolic Diversity of Aerobic Heterotrophs

Chapter        6.    Catabolic Activities of Aerobic Heterotrophs

Chapter        7.    Regulation of Bacterial Metabolism

Chapter        8.    Bacterial fermentations

Chapter        9.    Chemolithotrophic and Phototrophic Metabolism

Chapter      10.    Fixation of Molecular Nitrogen

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