Medical Terminology for Health Careers [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789384007799

Edition: 2nd Edition

Author : Alice G. Etting

Year: 2018

Pages: 678

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 2,095.00

New! Chapter 1 and 2 teach the word building and word attack skills to ensure student success in the 14 body systems chapters.

Retains the innovative chapter structure that organizes and presents content following the order and focus of a typical medical visit: Examining the Patient (anatomy and physiology); Assessing Patient Health (disease and health issues for major life stages); and Diagnosing and Treating Problems (tests, procedures, medications)

New! Term tables expanded and revised to improve access and understanding.

New! More word building and word analysis exercises plus crossword puzzles.

New! Multimedia Encore CD that offers a wide variety of engaging exercises and elements to reinforce the understanding of terms and how to use them in medical settings.

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