Handling, Transportation and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables - Volume 2 [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789381714638

Edition: 2nd Edition

Author : A Lloyd Ryall

Year: 2014

Pages: 610

Size: 15 X 23 cm

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 1,095.00

This book has been written with the purpose of covering all biological and physical aspects of the post harvest physiology of fruits and vegetables. Assembling a substantial amount of information from a wide variety of sources, the book is a compilation of knowledge pertaining to post harvest technology of fruits and vegetables. It expands, in comprehensive detail, on technology relating to maturity determination, harvesting, packing. post harvest treatments, controlled atmosphere storage, ripening and transportation.

The book is in two volumes. Vol. I is concerned with Vegetables and Melons, and Vol. II deals with Fruits and Tree Nuts. It covers handling of fruits and vegetables harvesting, microbial hazards in fruits and vegetables, transportation of fruits and vegetables, preservation of fruits and vegetables, drying fruits and vegetables, storage of fruits and vegetables, quality in fruits and vegetables. hygiene and sanitation, selling fruits and vegetables, and preparation for the fresh market.

With pertinent information on such a matter of great relevance and importance, this book would be useful for researchers and students in post harvest technology, food science and technology, plant and agricultural science. 


1 Fruit Physiology After Harvest

2 Modern Harvest Methods

3 The Packing House

4 Quality Measurement, Grading and Inspection I

5 Containers for Shipment

6 Packages for the Consumer

7 Origin, Characteristics and Requirements of Deciduous Tree Fruits

8 Origins, Characteristics and Requirements of Grapes and Other Small Fruits

9 Origins, Characteristics and Requirements of Subtropical Fruits

10 Origins, Characteristics and Requirements of Tree Nuts

11 Treatments Before Shipment or Storage
12 Conventional Refrigerated Storage

13 Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Apples and Pears

14 Transportation by Rail and Highway

15 Transportation by Air and Sea

16 Diseases and Injuries of Deciduous-Tree Fruits During Marketing

17 Diseases and Injuries of Small Fruits During Marketing

18 Diseases and Injuries of Subtropical Fruits During Marketing





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