Garry's Atlas Of Human Anatomy (Hardback)

ISBN: 9789387210288

Author : Garry

Year: 2018

Pages: 758

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 1,495.00

While it has been prepared with modern criteria and using the most advanced technologies for the built of sheets that are provided in this Atlas of Human Anatomy, the presentation of each organ or any of its parts has been done, as it not could be done in another way, at classic way, although it has been privileged all of these that could contribute to a better comprehension of what is given. The sketches, the diagrams and some brief explanations precisely have been given attending tothisinterest.

Also it has been used anytime the international consensual anatomical terminology. From all of this comes our trust to get this work to offer to the reader a modern work, useful and with a sense eminently didactic and functional.

It is obvious that any work, and also this Atlas of Human Anatomy, asvery complete that could be, never will exhaust the subject. Being conscious of that, we let the door opened to other works that achieve going farther and farther. In any person dedicated to his job, the study, the anxiety and the effort joined to the permanent eagerness of getting the achievements never stop. In any case the goal of this Atlas of Human Anatomy is to offer to the reader a compendium about human body. In this sense we expect that this Atlas be useful to everybody that uses it and to constitute a good foundation for the professional practice, to strength the knowledge and to complete the answer tomany questions and concerns.

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