Bio-Fertilizers In Agriculture And Forestry 4/E

ISBN: 9789386800039

Edition: 4th Edition

Author : Subba Rao N S

Year: 2024

Pages: 262

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 595.00

Presented in this well-illustrated book is an up-to date account of fundamental as well as applied aspects of research on biofertilizers which are finding large-scale application as supplements to chemical fertilizers in the modern-day crop cultivation and forestry practices. Biofertilizers can be more appropriately called 'microbial inoculants' and it is now accepted that microbial processes are not only quicker but also consume relatively 1e'gs energy than industrial processes. Secondly, these processes have the advantage of being diversified into small units to meet the demands of location-specific problems related to the agricultural and silvicultural practices of nations which have not yet adopted mechanization of farming. In fact microorganisms play a vital role in accelerating nature's way ofrecycling organic resources.

The book provides brief, basic and relevant information on the subject with appropriate references for the benefit of biologists, forest scientists and farm scientists who are interested in alternative sources of energy in agriculture and silviculture through beneficial microorganisms more particularly in the developing countries. In this edition, two new chapters have been added. Minor revisions and additions have been made in other chapters to make the contents up-to-date and more informative. The title Of this book has been changed to Biofertilizers -in Agriculture and Forestry.

Introduction • Rhizobium Inoculant • Azotobacter Inoculant • Azospirillum Inoculant • Blue-green Algal Inoculant • Azolla • Green Manure • Phosphate-solubilizing Microorganisms • Mycorrhizal Fungi • Organic Matter and Compsting • Inculants for Nodulated Leguminous Trees • Frankia Inoculant for Some Non-Ieguminous Trees • Outlook for the Future.

Dr. Subba Rao N.S. has a very distinguished background in the field of research on biofertilizers. In this book he has not only critically evaluated the work in progress on biofertilizers in different countries but has also indicated the outlook for future. For his outstanding contributions towards research in soil microbiology, he was awarded the 132B. Sarkar Endowment prize of the ICAR (1977-80). He is well known in the area of biological nitrogen fixation through his books and papers and is the recipient of the Norman Borlaug Award in Agriculture. He is a Fello* of the Indian National Science Academy and worked as INSA Senior Scientist at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.

He has authored Soil Microorganisms and Plant Growth and edited Recent Advances in Agricultural Microbiology; Recent Advances in .Biological Nitrogen Fixation; Current Developments .insBiological Nitrogen Fixation:- and Biological Nitrogen Fixation—i-ReceniDev- elopMents. He hasserved as distinguished visiting professor in universities in Europe, Canada and the United States.

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