Quality Control For The Food Industry Fundamentals & Applications (vol.1) (Paperback)

ISBN: 9789385998539

Edition: Third Revised Edition

Author : Amihud Kramer, Bernard A. Twigg

Year: 2017

Pages: 564

Publisher Name: MEDTECH

Rs. 995.00
Rs. 100,000,000,000.00

The presentation has been made in such a discipline to replace the unaided human monitor of quality that is being attempted here, for the first time. The material selected and included in this book will prove to be useful to the student and practitioner of quality control in the food industry. Particularly the measurement of appearance and textural properties, and statistical reporting and interpretation of data, in which solid achievements have been accomplished, and these stand ready for use by the food industry

Since food quality is ultimately judged by the human consumer, it appeared logical to organize this material in accordance with the human senses involved in these judgements. The book considered the discipline of quality control in two parts. The first deals with measurements which in turn are divided into two major groupings. The other major grouping in the measurement section may be called the hidden attributes of quality in that the consumer is unable, by the use of his senses, to evaluate such attributes of the product which he consumes

In this book we have attempted to outline the fundamental principles rat er than present details of procedures, many of which are available elsewhere. We are however, strongly of the opinion that it is difficult to present what may be new concept and to explain it thoroughly, unless an example which i,s close to the food technologist's experience, is used in illustration. If the reader wishes to apply the procedures illustrated by the examples, he must utilize his own data in order to arrive at the specific solution which will satisfy his particular situation.

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