Opthalmology Interactive Edition 5/E: With Interactive Cd (Atlas) [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789381714218

Edition: 5th Edition

Author : Stephen Goldberg

Year: 2011

Pages: 88

Size: 16.5x23 cm

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 195.00

All the ophthalmology necessary for the non-ophthalmologist. 88 pgs., illus. Includes interactive CD (WIN/MAC) with atlas of ophthalmic diseases, as well as movies of common ocular surgical procedures (cataract surgery, lens implantation, Lasik, Lasek, intacs surgery),

Chapter 1. Anatomy

Chapter 2. Visual Disorders

Chapter 3. The Red Eye

Chapter 4. Ocular Trauma

Chapter 5. Retinal Disease

Chapter 6. Neuro-ophthalmology

Chapter 7. Ocular Findings in Systemic Disease

Chapter 8. Ophthalmologic Techniques:

A. Assessment of visual acuity

B. The direct ophthalmoscope

C. The indirect ophthalmoscope

D. Application of fluorescein strips and ophthalmic drops and ointments

E. Assessing the depth of the anterior chamber angle

F. Removal of a foreign body

G. Securing an eye patch

H. The slit lamp

I. Cataract surgery

Chapter 9. Clinical Review



Dr. Stephen Goldberg an ophthalmologist and neuroanatomist has done it again Henow makes ophthalmology as ridiculously simple to understand as the did neuroanatomy. This book for the non-ophthalmologist (most of us) teaches us to use our eyes to care for the patient’s eyes. A most useful manual in general medical 

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