Business Anthropology [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789384007218

Edition: 2nd Edition

Author : Ann T. Jordan

Year: 2024

Pages: 150

Size: 15 x 23 cm

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 495.00

Viewed as a breakthrough in applied anthropology, Business Anthropology was the first concise work to juxtapose, compare, and integrate anthropological methods and theories with those of contemporary business practices and theories. In this latest edition, Jordan retains enduring, illustrative examples and adds fresh insights to familiarize readers with anthropological techniques and show their ever-growing utility in a variety of organizational and consumer settings.

Business Anthropology explains how anthropologists’ distinctive training and skills equip them to address issues ranging from work processes, diversity, and globalization to product design and consumer behavior, in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Anthropologists use a holistic approach to gather and analyze data. They get to know people both inside and outside the organization, understand diverse perspectives from an objective viewpoint, gain in-depth knowledge about local wants and needs, and see old realities in new ways.

1. The Anthropological Approach

2. A History of Anthropology in Western Organizational Life

3. Techniques for Conducting Fieldwork for Business Organizations

4. Seeing Cultural Groupings

5. Ethical Concerns

6. Marketing and Consumer Behavior

7. Design Anthropology

8. Organizational Anthropology

9. Understanding Issues of Globalization

10. The Importance of Holism

11. Where Do We Go from Here?

“Thanks to Ann Jordan, students have a highly accessible, concise compendium of the diverse accomplishments that a growing tribe of anthropologists have offered in understanding and influencing the conduct of business.”

— Eric J. Arnould, University of Bath / University of Southern Denmark

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