Human Relations and Police Work [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789384007232

Edition: 6th Edition

Author : Larry Miller

Year: 2015

Pages: 256

Size: 15 x 23 cm

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 395.00

Police in any country or State has a onerous ta: .. k to invcstigutc crime and establish the rule of law. In this context. human relations play" a xignificunt part with the community around them. The hook Human Relations and Police Work by Larry Miller. Michael Braswell
& John Whitehead, presents nine case studio: involving police and the community as well as family criss.

The hook in its sixth edition, originally published in USA. has now been made available at affortahle cost in India to serve as an ideal handbook for the police personnel so as to provide them an insight in the effective handling of their job. It should provide them an opportunity to experience the problem inherent in the various roles of a law enforcement offices. It presents situations that address policecommunity  relations, crisis prevention, juvenile justice, the emotionally distressed mentally ill, police stress, ethical dilemmas. and administrative and supervrsory Issues.

The hook should of great help to police personnel. crime investigating agencies, and the students as well as teachers of sociology and social work. Above all, it should he an important hook. 

Section I: Police and the Community

Section II: Family and Crisis Intervention

Section III: The Police and Juveniles

Section IV: The Police and the Emotionally Distressed

Section V: Police Stress

Section VI: Police Ethics

Section VII: Police Administration and Supervision

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