Animal Diversity [Paperback]

ISBN: 9789339219840

Edition: Indian Edition

Author : Hickman Roberts

Year: 2015

Pages: 392

Publisher Name: TMH

Rs. 995.00
Rs. 796.00



_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      1        Science of Zoology and Evolutionary Principles


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      2        Animal Architecture


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      3        Classification and Phylogeny of Animals


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      4        The Animal-Like Protista


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      5        Phylum Porifera: Sponges


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      6        Radiate Animals: Cnidarians and Ctenophores


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      7        Acoelomate Animals: Flatworms, Ribbon Worms, and Jaw Worms


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      8        Pseudocoelomate Animals


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      9        Molluscs


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      10     Segmented Worms: The Annelids


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      11     Arthropods


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      12     Lesser Protostomes and Lophophorates


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      13     Echinoderms and Lesser Deuterostomes


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      14     Vertebrate Beginnings: The Chordates


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      15     Fishes


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      16     The Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      17     Reptiles


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      18     Birds


_x005F_x000D_ Chapter      19     Mammals


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