Analysis And Design Integrated Circuits, 3Ed (Pb)

ISBN: 9780070593756

Edition: 3 edition

Author : David

Year: 2016

Pages: 600

Size: 47 x 5.8 x 61.5 cm

Publisher Name: McGraw Hill Education

Rs. 695.00
Rs. 695.00

The third edition of Hodges and Jackson's Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits has been thoroughly revised and updated by new co-author Resve Saleh of the University of British Columbia, This new edition combines the approachability and concision of the Hodges and Jackson classic with completely updated content, bringing the book firmly into the twenty-first century. The new edition exemplifies the extensive changes in the integrated circuit (IC) industry since publication of the second edition 15 years ago, particularly the developement of complementry metal-oxide-semiconductor (cmos) as the dominant IC technology. The focus of this latest edition is unmistakably on the latest CMOS technologies (0.18 cm, 0.13 cm) and it uses standard deep submicron models throughout the book. The material on memory has been expanded and updated and the third edition also includes more on SPICE simulation. Additionally many new problems and examples have been added that reflect current technologies and design practices.

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